
Marilyn's Erotic Writing Pad Menu


Marilyn so kindly offered me a free seat for the single session erotic writing workshop while she slaved away in the kitchen making delectable plates for the students to enjoy.


She offered Baby Artichokes with Vanilla Jalapeno Aioli and Prosciutto & Fig Crostini with Goat Cheese. The aioli was so delicious with the tender baby choke leaves. The leaves were so tender that they were edible popped whole into the mouth without any flesh scraping.

Likewise, the crostini was delicious. I liked the combination of the salty ham, sweet dried fig, and tangy goat cheese. The recipe originally called for fresh fig but since they are still out of season I suggested dried fig which worked perfectly. Can't wait til fresh figs come out so I can try this recipe but with a quick roast to the fresh figs with a touch of balsamic vinegar.


And of course, one cannot skip out on dessert at an erotic writing class of all places - Molten Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Covered Strawberries.



Sam said...

Yoony - does this mean we are going to be getting erotic food blog posts from now on? There has to be a reason for calling it food porn, eh?!

susan said...

hi sam!

haha~ the funny thing is i didn't even get to the erotic part in any of my pieces. maybe the next erotic post (i'm cooking for the next class) will be a bit more dramatic, food porn style. :)