
Truffled Cauliflower Soup Shooters with Parmesan Crisp; Caponata with Mozzarella


For the next few weeks I'll be posting a double dose of menus each week because now I am also cooking for the new 5 week Writing Pad session! These menus are actually for pick-up only and being served at a location with only a microwave. So I had to mull over potential plates that would do well with prior prepping and such. I thought doing the same menu for both Wednesday and Thursday class would be convenient but where's the fun in that?

This session's tasting plates starts off with a cute bang with the first menu featuring Truffled Cauliflower Soup Shooters. The soup by itself is rustic and simple but with the addition of white truffle oil providing a warm subtle background, the finishing drizzle of a California olive oil giving a jolt of fruitiness, the chives cutting through with its delicate oniony flavor, and the parmesan crisp with its quite necessary nuttiness and crunchy texture, it comes together nicely. And these Italian espresso cups are so adorable. Almost makes me want to drink espresso.

The greatest pleasure of eating a dish happens within the first few bites, sips, slurps. The idea of diminishing marginal returns is quite clear here, as the latter bites really provide sustenance as opposed to the sensory-filling gustatory experience of the first few (wow my economics classes finally put to use!). Which is why I was quite excited to do my first batch of soup shooters, a real "taster." Hopefully the class will enjoy these and not down the soup all at once and remember to sip and nibble!


The menu also includes Caponata, an Italian eggplant dish with tomatoes, peppers, capers, onion, vinegar, and anchovies (which I forgot to add). It was still delicious though, especially with the addition of plumped up golden raisans, diced mozzarella, and crunchy crostini. Next time for a more delicious version, I may add a sprinkle of toasted pinenuts, a pinch of pepper flakes, and actually remember to include the anchovies.

For dessert Marilyn made yummy mini-cheesecakes. Yes, the ones I couldn't resist a few classes back!

A catered menu for www.writingpad.com

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