I will be spending holiday this year in Paris with Boy and five of my close friends. Woohoo~!
We're heading out there after Christmas and celebrating the new year there. And eating, sleeping, drinking, exploring, and probably putting on some pounds. This will be my second trip to Paris, the first visit being back in summer of 2003. My god, was I a different eater then. I barely knew anything about food, was oblivious to the food blogging world, and was so clueless in general. Having blogged now for a mere year and a half, I've visited so many good blogs introducing me to so much good food. I'm ready to go back to Paris and do some serious eating. Not to mention, not being broke like I was backpacking years ago, this trip should prove to be tres bon and filled with deliciousness.
I've been checking out David's blog and of course the famous foodie jetsetter Chez Pim's reviews and recommendations but if you've been out there recently I would love some advice!
is this in reference to your future trip? i am so envious right now!
Voulez vous coucher avec moi? C'est soi! C'est soi!
- Chubbypanda
One word of advice: eat lots and lots of cheese and remember to bring lactose pills just in case a certain friend forgets them.
Ooooops. I guess that's many words of advice.
yummy cheese! your lactose? this slips my mind. speaking of cheese we should do some research before we go and keep in mind some good varieties. french cheese stores don't offer samples and also we don't spreak french.
i think my last year's new year's goal was to study french. umm, didnt happen. but doesn't mean i can't remember a few cheese names!
I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?!?!?
my 2006 new year's goal was to cook more...didn't really get very far with that.
i heart cheese!
i'm so sad you are leaving me but happy for you cause its Paris!! Paris was the first place I ever went, out of the country... beautiful. however, all i ate were crepes!!! soooo good i could never get enough. i wish i could go with you guys and eat all the yummy things you will be writing and taking pictures of makin' this piggily wiggily very jealous! i'll miss you guys so much :(
i wouldnt be able to live is i was lactose intolerant... i am very very tolerant of it :-p
hey yoony! how great is that?? you should check out robyn's blog, the girl who ate everything--she's been in paris for a semester and has really eaten more than everything :)
have a GREAT TIME!!!
I've actually never had a problem digesting cheese, praise Jesus. Milk, yes. Cheese, never. While we're there, we HAVE to find this super odorous cheese called St. Marcellin. It's soft and gooey and so delish but smells like a boy's gym locker. You get used to it though. I got hooked when I lived in Lyon (it's a specialty of this little side-town from Lyon). http://www.cheese-france.com/cheese/saint_marcellin.htm
lol, like a boy's gym locker. i just tasted one exactly like that, except more like boy's gym socks that stayed in locker for weeks, at silverlake wine. i'm eating lots of raw milk cheese fo sho. i didn't know that one can digest cheese but not milk! weird.
hi santos,
thanks for the link! robyn's blog is awesome and i love the photography. hopefully i will be able to eat as wel as she did!
OH YOONY! Have fun!!! Can't wait to hear your Paris adventures! :D
Oh... for what I would give for my boy to take me to Paris... sigh! hehehe! ;)
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