My third annual Tofu Fest experience and I still got a little bit sunburned. It's always so hot on the tofu days! Anyhow it was fun and I got to chomp on some interesting tofu foods and some good non-tofu items. I got to the festival right when the tofu eating contest was taking place. I think I would do really well if I were to enter it. My tofu eating skills may really shine through. :) Last year I saw Chef Morimoto who was there giving out his bottled marinades and autograph. I got his autograph on my little tofu fan which is now... somewhere under all that other stuff collecting dust.

Where the tofu girls representin?
The first Tofu Festival was held in 1996 by the Little Tokyo Service Center and the proceeds still goto the center to help the community. A brief descript from the tofu site:
"The Little Tokyo Service Center (LTSC) is a nonprofit community based organization in Los Angeles that provides services to families who are economically disadvantaged, physically challenged, homeless, and/or face language and cultural barriers in everyday life."
There are over 40 vendors there offering mostly tofu and soy dishes. Here are a few we tried...

Okonomiyaki - the "Japanese pizza"

Onigiri - rice ball

Taiyaki - carp-shaped waffle-like cake with sweet red bean filling

Soyrizo by El Burrito Mexican Food Products
**This one was surprisingly good. It really looks like scrambled chorizo and egg and tastes like it too. As always these chopped up hybrid names are funny to me. Like "Huevos SPAMcheros."
It's a fun time. Go get tofued.
Aww man, I didn't get to go to the Tofu Fest this year! Sounds like you had a great time.
Haha, you've noticed the huevos SPAMcheros billboards too?
I've seen soo many of the SPAMcheros billboards! They are taking over the city.
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